Friday, 26 August 2011

Fond of Writing Punishment Task.

An account of  My slave emenac, completing a FOW punishment task.

Every so often, Partner S goes away for the weekend and on these occasions She always leaves me with a lengthy list of domestic chores to be done in Her absence. This happened a couple of weeks ago and the chore list wasn't completed by the time She arrived back home on the Sunday. The offence was noted and i was instructed to complete the jobs on the Monday evening after finishing work. One of the jobs not done was oven cleaning, the job that everyone, including me, hates. I left the oven until last on the Monday and at 9pm I went to make a start. Partner S had bought some special cleaning stuff but the instructions stated it needed to be left applied for a number of hours before cleaning. I applied the cleaner throughout as directed - the actual cleaning would have to be done on the Tuesday. As I was due to serve Ma'am directly after work on Tuesday, this meant I wouldn't arrive back home until 8pm or thereabouts. The oven would then have to be cleaned immediately so that it was available to cook the evening meal. Somewhat late but, at this stage, unavoidable. I would be finished by 9pm, then shower, eat, clean kitchen after meal and finally relax for an hour or so before bed. That was the plan. The plan unravelled somewhat and goes someway to explaining why its been a while since I last had the time and energy to update this journal. Here's what happened..

Tuesday 19th. Alarm goes off 6.15am, out of house at 7am to drive to work. Work 7.30am - 4.00pm (1 hour lunch). Finish work, short drive to Ma'ams arriving there at 4.15pm. Ma'am busy with clients, leaves me with list of chores whilst She is in session. Kitchen and bathroom to be cleaned but main task is cleaning a large bundle of latex/rubber items. Solid graft that keeps me busy non-stop until 7.00pm. Jobs done and but before dismissal, Ma'am informs me that She has sent me a punishment task to be done at home and completed by 9am the following morning. This was to address the iron forgetting offence from a week or so earlier. The only feasible time to get this punishment task done to meet Her deadline would be the same evening after arriving home. I hadn't bargained for this and I knew it was going to be a late night as I wouldn't be able to start the task until at least 10pm for reasons already described above. So, leave Ma'ams at 7.15pm, drive the 15 miles back home arriving on the stroke of 8pm. Partner S hungry, oven to be cleaned immediately and prepared for use. This all done by 9pm, showered, eaten and cleared away by 10pm. Upstairs to start Ma’am’s punishment task which has arrived via email.

The punishment task is the modern day equivalent of writing lines, repetitively, but done whilst sat at the PC, typing rather than hand writing. Both Ma’am and i have a little software program installed on O/our respective PC’s. The program allows Ma’am to set a line to be typed and for the task to be run over and over for however many repetitions Ma’am feels adequate for the lesson to be learnt. The line has to be typed exactly as set by Ma’am – any erroneous submitted line is treated as such and the program can be configured to automatically add extra lines to the original tally as extra punishment. The program logs the time the task is started and the time of completion. It will report on the total number of lines submitted and the number of erroneous lines submitted. It also reports the 3 longest times between submissions, therefore Ma’am can spot if any unauthorized breaks have been taken – She allows none. Not for tea breaks, fag breaks, spliff breaks or for calls of nature. All copy and paste functions are disabled by the program – each line has to be typed, no way ‘round it. When the task is completed, the program advises accordingly and the report is generated. The report is then copied to Notepad and is sent back to Ma’am via email. Ma’am can then view the report and the program on Her PC will validate that the report has or has not been tampered with or amended any way. I had been advised at the time of the offence that it would be a 200 line punishment but it wasn’t until I loaded and opened the task what the line to be typed would be. That was a little after 10pm. I was already feeling tired and fatigued by what had been a long day. My heart sank when the line displayed on the screen. In all honesty, part of me wanted to switch off the PC there and then – take the seemingly easy way out and email Ma’am apologies, for i knew that there was very little chance of me managing to complete the task before nodding off at the keyboard in the small hours. After a nano-second of careful consideration, i opted not to take that route and instead, embark on the task and see it for the guiding but punitive discipline that it was. I had a go, a real go, but fatigue did get the better of me.The concentration drained out of me, my mind wandered uncontrollably and things seemingly started to move about on the screen. I gave up, cancelled the task and generated the report to send back to Ma’am. I would have to start all over again the following evening after work. Here's a copy of the report generated from this failed attempt.

Text : Ma'am does not appreciate a lapse in memory, and retention loss will not be tolerated. i slave emenac, will never ever forget the importance of pleasing my Ma'am, & remembering Her every command and instruction.
Hide text : no
Reverse text : no
Distractions : occasionally

Start time: 2010/1/19 22:07:54
Duration : 3 hour(s) 15 minute(s) 25 second(s)
Typed submissions : 118
Faulty submissions : 15
Longest breaks between two submissions :
2 minute(s) 35 second(s) from 01:20:45 to 01:23:20
2 minute(s) 25 second(s) from 22:49:47 to 22:52:12
2 minute(s) 11 second(s) from 22:11:45 to 22:13:56
That done, i crawled into bed feeling crushed, deflated and totally drained at 1.30am, 19 hours after getting up. The alarm was going to go off again in less than 5 hours time to get me up for the drive into work. Despite my fatigue, i was feeling totally wired and i lay awake until past 2.30.
Wed 20th and the alarm sounds again. Less than 4 hours sleep. Feeling as knackered as i was a few hours earlier. Off to work, back from work at 5pm. I start the task again about 6ish. It takes well over four hours to complete but in the end i managed it and sent the report off to Ma’am.

Text : Ma'am does not appreciate a lapse in memory, and retention loss will not be tolerated. i slave emenac, will never ever forget the importance of pleasing my Ma'am, & remembering Her every command and instruction.
Hide text : no
Reverse text : no
Distractions : occasionally

Start time: 2010/1/20 18:07:15
Duration : 4 hour(s) 17 minute(s) 9 second(s)
Typed submissions : 218
Faulty submissions : 6
Longest breaks between two submissions :
3 minute(s) 23 second(s) from 22:09:49 to 22:13:12
3 minute(s) 16 second(s) from 20:56:56 to 21:00:12
3 minute(s) 3 second(s) from 22:04:05 to 22:07:08

<End of report>

Note that each faulty line submitted was punished by adding an extra 3 lines to be to the original total of 200.

So you see – a Mistress/slave relationship is not just about boot worship, titillating chats and play sessions. Sometimes it can be hard work and truly punitive but it will teach you to remember the iron when instructed. Anyway, Ma’am was pleased with my efforts but not amused by the late completion. For that, She advised, i was to be given a punishment caning and a ginger figging on my next visit. I had a few days to think about that but before that happened, i had a lovely treat in store and that tale will be told in my next installment.

1 comment:

  1. I love writing lines punishments - and also the idea of this program. Unfortunately this one only runs on windows so I can't use it. But I found a website I like even better and use it for a few weeks now:
